Knowing more about a certain treatment procedure you are considering to get is always important. The following are some of the commonly-asked questions about one of the most sough-after anti-aging treatment- Juvederm East Greenwich:

This is a gel filler treatment used to iron-out lines and wrinkles instantly through injection.
Juvederm XC is usually administered in areas such as the nose and mouth. This is where smile lines, marionette lines and some folds usually appear.
Juvederm XC is easy to administer. Aesthetic doctors just inject the treatment to the problem areas. The solution itself has lidocaine, which lessens the pain and discomfort during treatment administration.
Other than smoothening out fine lines and wrinkles, Juvederm XC also brings back the natural contours of the face.
Common side effects include a little pain, redness, and sometimes swelling but all of these will not last long. The aesthetic experts will teach you ways to minimize the side effects and prescribe meds if necessary.